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About the Book

The Colors Of
My Youth


noun, often attributive col·or ˈkÉ™-lÉ™r

A phenomenon of light or visual perception that enables one to
differentiate otherwise identical objects


Colors are more than varying hues of light and visual perceptions. They also provide one with mental insight and heartfelt emotions that help to guide our decisions each day, filling our lives with spiritual peace, imagination and joy, courage and strength, goodness and evil, and inspiration and hope.


Many people aren’t aware how powerful colors are and how their lives are influenced by them. But everyone has experienced to some degree how emotional colors make them feel—a beautiful sunset, a field of wildflowers, or even a shade of lipstick. We know which shades are calming and which inspire us to be adventurous. We tend to wear or surround ourselves primarily in the colors that touch us the most emotionally.


The memories of my childhood are painted in many colors. Each experience is a myriad of explosive and pastel hues that altogether formed the person I am today. Enriched by each colorful memory, I am a rainbow of faith and family, morals and values, and traditions and honor. These are all the colors of my youth. The rainbow of colors that, in my darkest days, give me light.

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